Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong is a top-tier Champion for Arena battles in Raid: Shadow Legends, excelling with his buff-stealing and blocking abilities, which are highly effective against buff-reliant opponents. His second skill lets him ignore defense, enabling him to inflict massive damage. Moreover, he stands out as the only Champion in the game capable of placing Sheep debuffs through a skill.

Sun Wukong is not only a standout Arena Champion but also boasts the versatility to shine in some of Raid: Shadow Legends’ other prominent game modes. His skillset allows him to adapt to various challenges, making him a valuable addition to many teams.

Raid Shadow Legends: Sun Wukong

Table of Contents

In the Campaign, Sun Wukong proves to be a reliable choice for clearing stages efficiently. His Staff of Wonder and Now You See Us abilities enable him to steal buffs and deal with waves of enemies effectively. Meanwhile, his Gotcha! skill adds an extra layer of control by stunning troublesome opponents.

When it comes to the Doom Tower, Sun Wukong demonstrates his worth, particularly in the later stages where enemy teams often rely heavily on buffs. His ability to steal buffs and bypass DEF ensures he remains a threat, even against more challenging foes.

For Faction Wars, Sun Wukong proudly represents the Skinwalkers Faction, excelling as a damage dealer. His passive revive ability ensures he can return to the fight after being taken down, adding consistency and reliability to your runs.

However, Sun Wukong truly shines in the Arena. With the power to steal all buffs from all enemies and ignore DEF with his second skill, he becomes a formidable opponent. His passive ability to revive after three turns only adds to his dominance, making him a force to be reckoned with in competitive battles.

Sun Wukong Skills

Gotcha! [A1]

Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 25% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. The chance increases to 50% if the target has any buffs.

  • Level 2: Damage +10%
  • Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
  • Level 4: Damage +10%
  • Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
  • Damage Multiplier: 3.5 ATK

Staff of Wonder [A2]

Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 50% of the target’s DEF. Will attack all remaining enemies with any surplus damage if the target is killed. This attack will also ignore 50% of the target’s DEF. This attack cannot be critical. If the initial target survives, places a [Sheep] debuff on them for 1 turn. This debuff cannot be blocked.

Cooldown: 4 turns

  • Level 2: Damage +10%
  • Level 3: Damage +10%
  • Level 4: Damage +10%
  • Level 5: Cooldown -1
  • Damage Multiplier: 5 ATK

Now You See Us [A3]

Attacks all enemies. Before attacking, steals all buffs from all enemies and then places a [Block Buffs] debuff on them for 2 turns.

Cooldown: 4 turns

  • Level 2: Damage +10%
  • Level 3: Damage +10%
  • Level 4: Cooldown -1
  • Damage Multiplier: 3.8 ATK

Unbeatable Wukong [Passive]

Revives this Champion with 100% HP and 100% Turn Meter 3 turns after they were killed.


Increases Ally SPD in Arena battles by 28%.

Sun Wukong Best Gear

Given Sun Wukong’s strong affinity for the Arena and the debuffs central to his kit, it’s essential to gear him with a focus on key stats like Accuracy, Critical Damage, Attack, and achieving a minimum of 100% Critical Rate. These attributes ensure he can consistently land his debuffs, deal significant damage, and capitalize on his unique skills.

When it comes to Artifact Sets, the best options for the Monkey King include Savage, which provides additional Ignore DEF to amplify his damage against high-DEF opponents, Perception, offering an excellent blend of Speed and Accuracy to help him take more turns and land debuffs effectively, and Crit Damage, which boosts his overall damage output. By prioritizing these sets and stats, Sun Wukong can perform optimally in Arena battles and beyond.

Recommended Artifact Sets:

PvEBloodthirst, Lifesteal, Lethal, Savage, Cruel, Divine Speed, Speed, Perception, Accuracy, Relentless, Cursed
PvPStoneskin, Savage, Lethal, Perception, Accuracy, Divine Speed, Speed, Zeal
All ContentsPerception, Accuracy, Critical Damage, Cruel, Divine Speed, Speed, Merciless, Fatal, Lethal, Savage, Supersonic, Instinct, Killstroke

Stat Prioritization:

Artifacts & AccessoriesStat Priority
GauntletC.DMG, C.RATE, ATK%
ChestplateATK%, ACC
BootsSPD, ATK%
AmuletC.DMG, ATK
BannerACC, ATK

Sun Wukong Masteries

Sun Wukong, like most Attack-type Champions, benefits greatly from Masteries that enhance his offensive capabilities and utility. Building down the left-hand side of the Offense Mastery Tree is a natural choice, providing boosts to his damage potential. For Arena battles, where he truly excels, the Helmsmasher Tier 6 Mastery is essential. This Mastery grants him the ability to ignore additional DEF, allowing for devastating damage against even the tankiest opponents.

To complement his offense, the right-hand side of the Support Mastery Tree offers valuable enhancements to Accuracy and Speed. These Masteries not only increase his chances of landing debuffs effectively but also help ensure that Sun Wukong gets his turn more frequently.

Deadly PrecisionPinpoint Accuracy
Keen StrikeCharged Focus
Heart of GlorySwarm Smiter
Life DrinkerLore of Steel
Single OutSpirit Haste
Bring It Down
Cycle of Violence
Kill Streak

Sun Wukong Blessings

When choosing Blessings for Sun Wukong, you have three strong options to consider, each catering to different playstyles. Heavencast is a solid pick if you want to enhance the utility of Sun Wukong’s Default Skill by ignoring RES on his Stun debuff, making it easier to control enemies.

If you plan to use Sun Wukong as a Speed Lead in the Arena, Intimidating Presence is an excellent choice, boosting the effectiveness of your team’s Aura and solidifying your advantage in fast-paced battles. Soul Reap is particularly useful for finishing off low-HP enemies, ensuring that they don’t get a chance to recover or retaliate.

Lastly, Lightning Cage is a versatile option, allowing Sun Wukong to protect the buffs he steals while dealing additional damage based on his enemy’s MAX HP. This makes it a valuable Blessing for sustained fights, especially against buff-heavy teams.

How to Get Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong was initially available for free during the Sun Wukong Chase event. Players simply needed to log in on any 7 days between August 22nd and October 31st, 2023, to claim him as a reward and add the Monkey King to their roster.

After this event, there are two ways to obtain Sun Wukong:

  1. Summon him using Ancient Shards or Sacred Shards.
  2. Use the promo code MonkeyKing to claim this Legendary hero! This code is only valid for new player accounts and can be redeemed after the 7-Day Login event has ended.

Don’t miss your chance to add this Champion to your team!

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